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37 Mark Street
Stellenbosch Central
Western Cape

021 930 2177

Contact information

37 Mark Street
Stellenbosch Central
Western Cape

021 930 2177


The foundations of psychology are based in the scientific study of the mind and how we express our understanding of who we are in meaningful activities and relationships. It includes how these understandings are formed through experiences and relationships. The word “psyche” is rooted in the Greek descriptions of “life” and “breath” and associated words “soul” and “self”. In Greek, “logos” indicate knowledge or deeper understanding. This understanding forms the basis of psychotherapy, especially when confronted with questions about who we are, difficulties that derail our emotional well-being, important relations or sense of independence. It enables us to reconsider what we feel, our ways of thinking and what needs to be done to create growth to balanced and grounded ways of being.


If we only understand “memory” as the ability to encode, store and retrieve information, we are neglecting its vital functions in everything we are able do, our ability to relate to others and to function in a complex modern world. Our ability to translate experiences in memory and knowledge allows us to be the people who we would like to be. However, changes or decline in the quality of our memory create anxiety for ourselves and those around us. At times, these changes may be normal, especially as we grow older. Unfortunately, several other factors can reduce our ability to sustain concentration and to integrate what is required of us in meaningful memory networks. It is therefore essential to differentiate between normal forgetting and a possible dementia.


Within any field of expertise, an assessment is required to gain clarity and to reduce uncertainty. When people consult with me with concerns about the memory or problems with language, planning, etc., an assessment of their abilities aims to address 4 questions. (1) Is there a problem? (2) What do we call this problem? (3) What is the impact of this problem? (4) What do we do about it? Thus, it is important to identify what needs to be done with the conclusions of an assessment. At times, it implies linking with others who can provide additional information, support or medical interventions. The priority is always to enhance the quality of life of the person at the centre of the assessment.

Anton Böhmer

Anton is gebore en getoë in die Vrystaat en het sy voorgraadse studie in 1991 aan die Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat voltooi.Hierna trek hy noord vir sy honneursgraad in sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg (voorheen RAU). In 1995 verwerf hy ‘n graad in teologie aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, en voltooi in 1998 sy meestersgraad in kliniese sielkunde aan dieselfde universiteit. Sy internskap vind by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en die Tygerberg Hospitaal plaas, en in 1998 begin werk hy as professionele kliniese sielkundige by sy eerste privaat praktyk in Bellville.

Anton Böhmer

Anton is gebore en getoë in die Vrystaat en het sy voorgraadse studie in 1991 aan die Universiteit van die Oranje Vrystaat voltooi.Hierna trek hy noord vir sy honneursgraad in sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg (voorheen RAU). In 1995 verwerf hy ‘n graad in teologie aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, en voltooi in 1998 sy meestersgraad in kliniese sielkunde aan dieselfde universiteit. Sy internskap vind by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en die Tygerberg Hospitaal plaas, en in 1998 begin werk hy as professionele kliniese sielkundige by sy eerste privaat praktyk in Bellville.

Die kwessie van demensie

In “Vergeet om my te vergeet” sing Laurika Rauch van haar verlange na ‘n geliefde en die belang van onthou en nie te vergeet nie. Dit is die onthou wat liefde vashou, en in die vergeet wat ons mekaar verloor. Geheue is die bousteen van verhoudings, vaardighede, kultuur en geloof, maar ook die platform van identiteit. Geheue verbind ons verlede met die hede en stel ons in staat om ‘n toekoms te projekteer. Vergeet neem my na onbekende plekke, waar my selfoon in die yskas wegkruip, my roetine by die deur uitwaai en my woorde verdwaal.

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